Are Interest Rates Going Up or Not? If So, When is it Going to Happen?
- Marty Prince
- 10 Jun 2015
- General
- None
For several months there has been speculation about interest rates. Everyone seems to agree they are going up. The big question is when.
The Federal Reserve chairman said in May that she expects to raise rates this year, based on the economic data she has. Other influential players in the economy are asking her to hold off until at least 2016.
But, one thing they all agree on is that rates will be going up.
So, the wise course of action for anyone considering purchasing a home is to act now. Rates are still very low and your purchasing power is greater now than when rates go up.
Also, anyone considering refinancing should also take action now while rates are down. The savings will be greater now than if you wait and rates rise.
I have prepared a video for anyone considering purchasing, and I invite you to review it. There are several tips in there.
Also, anyone refinancing should check out the video included here on that subject. There are helpful suggestions in there as well.

I am always available for any questions you or your friends may have.
Marty Prince